Episode 49 - Richmond Tactical RT30Ti and the MK18 Test Host (10-FEB-2021)

Episode 49 - Richmond Tactical RT30Ti and the MK18 Test Host (10-FEB-2021)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.34Richmond Tactical RT30Ti on supersonic .308. (00:05:13)

  2. Sound Signature Review 6.35 – the RT30Ti on subsonic 300BLK with the mini FIX. (00:31:03)

  3. Mk18 5.56 test host upper procured – decision points for PEW Science, and you! (00:41:25)

  4. Silencer test sample procurement updates. (01:02:53)

  5. Welcome to new PEW Science members and thanks for your support! (01:07:24)

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Episode 48 - QD Mounts, MK18, and Backpressure (03-FEB-2021)

Episode 48 - QD Mounts, MK18, and Backpressure (03-FEB-2021)

Today’s Topics:

  1. I’m getting the QD itch. What’s the coolest secondary retention rifle silencer mount? (00:06:04)

  2. New Sound Signature Review(s) coming this week? Why yes, there are. (00:36:04)

  3. MK18 5.56 test host procurement – obtaining one soon. For you! (00:41:41)

  4. More silencer mount backpressure discussions. Getting more user feedback. (01:03:04)

  5. Welcome to new PEW Science members and thanks for your support! (01:16:22)

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Episode 47 - YHM Resonator K, Research, and Backpressure (27-JAN-2021)

Episode 47 - YHM Resonator K, Research, and Backpressure (27-JAN-2021)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.32 – the YHM Resonator K on supersonic .308! (00:09:48)

  2. Member Research Supplement 6.33 – Hunting Silencer First Round Pop. (00:24:11)

  3. Internet and social media backpressure wars – don’t be a casualty. (00:35:27)

  4. Silencer mounts – can they influence backpressure? (00:57:27)

  5. Welcome to new PEW Science members and thanks for your support! (01:24:43)

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Episode 46 - Sig P210, Q Erector 9, and Silencer Research (20-JAN-2021)

Episode 46 - Sig P210, Q Erector 9, and Silencer Research (20-JAN-2021)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Obscure centerfire pistol hosts – the Sig P210? What other classic pistols can we desecrate? Put a Q Erector 9 on it? Let’s do it. (00:06:45)

  2. Will a silencer sound different to you if you have pre-existing hearing damage? Possibly. (00:56:15)

  3. New member Research Supplement this week! (01:00:16)

  4. New Sound Signature Review this week! (01:03:16)

  5. Welcome to new PEW Science members and thanks for your support! Some silencer test sample procurement news, too. (01:06:18)

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Episode 45 - SilencerCo Harvester, FRP, Hunting, AR15 (13-JAN-2021)

Episode 45 - SilencerCo Harvester,  FRP, Hunting, AR15 (13-JAN-2021)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.31 – the SilencerCo Harvester on supersonic .308. (00:08:50)

  2. First Round Pop – the killer of subsonic 300 BLK silencer performance. (00:45:06)

  3. Hunting silencers – what’s important to you? (00:52:58)

  4. Welcome to new PEW Science members. Thank you for your support, as always! And, future testing. (01:09:10)

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Episode 44 - Rankings, Resonator K, and Hunting (06-JAN-2021)

Episode 44 - Rankings,  Resonator K, and Hunting (06-JAN-2021)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Silencer Sound Standard Section 7 – PEW Science Rankings! (00:11:57)

  2. Sound Signature Review 6.30 – the YHM Resonator K on the mini FIX with subsonic 300 BLK. (00:25:12)

  3. Whitetail deer hunting with the CGS Hyperion K on a 16” .308 bolt action – field experience. (01:03:04)

  4. New Sound Signature Review this week! New in-depth analysis, too? (01:33:09)

  5. PEW Science industry happenings / updates. (01:35:42)

  6. Welcome to new PEW Science members. Thank you for your support, as always! (01:37:38)

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Episode 43 - Hunting Silencers and Machine Guns (16-DEC-2020)

Episode 43 - Hunting Silencers and Machine Guns (16-DEC-2020)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Hunting silencer update; anecdotal experience with prototype titanium CGS stuff. (00:09:13)

  2. The 11.5 mid-length upper returns! This time suppressed in full auto. (00:45:49)

  3. Should you buy a machine gun? Several have asked. Let’s revisit this. (01:03:48)

  4. Welcome to new PEW Science members. Thank you for your support, as always! (01:13:23)

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Episode 42 - Q Half Nelson, Rugged Radiant, and CGS (09-DEC-2020)

Episode 42 - Q Half Nelson, Rugged Radiant, and CGS (09-DEC-2020)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.29 – The Q Half Nelson with subsonic 300 BLK! (00:05:45)

  2. My Radiant is too loud for my 16” .308 FIX. So what am I going to use to hunt this weekend? (00:35:12)

  3. Some goodies coming soon from CGS to PEW. Christmas time! (00:46:28)

  4. Subsonic .30 silencers are cool. Supersonic is cool. Why not both? (01:05:11)

  5. Welcome to new PEW Science members. Thank you for your support, as always! (01:15:13)

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Episode 41 - The Future, Hunting, and Back Pressure! (02-DEC-2020)

Episode 41 - The Future, Hunting, and Back Pressure! (02-DEC-2020)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Where do we go from here? Continuation from previous episode. (00:08:36)

  2. Hunting whitetail from a ground blind with a silencer? Suppression Rating case study? (00:18:37)

  3. The back-pressure hypothesis – continued research and some cautions. (01:12:32)

  4. New Sound Signature Review this week! (01:29:08)

  5. Welcome to new PEW Science members. Thank you for your support, as always! (01:30:27)

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Episode 40 - Performance Outliers in the Current Silencer Market (24-NOV-2020)

Episode 40 - Performance Outliers in the Current Silencer Market (24-NOV-2020)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.26 - The Surefire SOCOM762-RC2 (wow, crazy silencer!) (00:06:30)

  2. Sound Signature Review 6.27 – The CGS Hyperion (what in the f…..?) (01:03:20)

  3. Sound Signature Review 6.28 – The CGS Hyperion K (are you kidding me?) (01:34:54)

  4. Where do we go from here? (02:10:30)

  5. Welcome to new PEW Science members. Thank you for your support, as always! (02:11:30)

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Episode 39 - Data, Clients, and Mounts! (11-NOV-2020)

Episode 39 - Data, Clients, and Mounts! (11-NOV-2020)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Data processing from the latest test series – supersonic and subsonic observations. (00:06:55)

  2. New Sound Signature Review this week? Next week too? And Historical Books? Oh my! (00:22:43)

  3. How important is your silencer mount? Direct thread forever? (00:41:03)

  4. Welcome to new PEW Science members and Manufacturer Clients. Thank you for your support, as always! (01:10:30)

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Episode 38 - Energetic Armament VOX S and Sig P226 (04-NOV-2020)

Episode 38 - Energetic Armament VOX S and Sig P226 (04-NOV-2020)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.25 – The Energetic Armament VOX S with subsonic 300 BLK. (04:36)

  2. The Sig P226 – the old standby; one of the best silencer hosts of all time. (31:08)

  3. Welcome to new PEW Science members and Manufacturer Clients. Thank you for your support, as always! (49:17)

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Episode 37 - Large Test Series, Industry Forecasts, and New Stuff? (28-OCT-2020)

Episode 37 - Large Test Series, Industry Forecasts, and New Stuff? (28-OCT-2020)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Just completed a really large test series – multiple test programs in one weekend. Ridiculous. (00:06:24)

  2. New Sound Signature Review this week? Maybe. (00:37:22)

  3. Some Silencer Industry forecasts. (00:50:35)

  4. What am I excited about, in the silencer world? (01:10:11)

  5. Welcome to new PEW Science members. Thank you for your support, as always! (01:16:25)

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Episode 35 - ATF, Pistol Brace, AR Gas System Lengths (14-OCT-2020)

Episode 35 - ATF, Pistol Brace, AR Gas System Lengths (14-OCT-2020)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Quick update on the recent ATF tomfoolery, re: pistol braces. (00:04:50)

  2. New Sound Signature Review coming this week. Buckle up, buckaroos. (00:46:22)

  3. The 11.5” AR15 and M16 with mid-length gas. Again. (01:01:19)

  4. Some cool upcoming testing – will probably be public in the coming months. (01:48:07)

  5. Welcome to new PEW Science members. Thank you for your support, as always! (01:53:56)

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Episode 34 - Q Brace, Sandman-L, and 11.5 inch mid-length Unicorn (07-OCT-2020)

Episode 34 - Q Brace, Sandman-L, and 11.5 inch mid-length Unicorn (07-OCT-2020)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Let’s talk about supporting the NFA community – the recent ATF field division decision.

  2. Sound Signature Review 6.23 – the Dead Air Sandman-L.

  3. The 11.5” AR15 and M16 with mid-length gas. Unicorn? Maybe.

  4. Back pressure. Do we actually care? Or do only some people need to care?

  5. Upcoming testing – public and private. Business updates for you.

  6. Welcome to new PEW Science members. Thank you for your support, as always!

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Episode 33 - Sandman-S, Rugged Razor, and Test Data (30-SEP-2020)

Episode 33 - Sandman-S, Rugged Razor, and Test Data (30-SEP-2020)

Today’s Topics:

  1. I get this question a lot – Dead Air Sandman-S or Rugged Razor?

  2. Just finished some testing – some more observations for you.

  3. New Sound Signature Review coming this week!

  4. Have you folks had time to actually practice with your weapons?

  5. Welcome to new PEW Science members. Thank you for your support, as always!

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Episode 32 - Recent Analysis and the Rugged Surge (23-SEP-2020)

Episode 32 - Recent Analysis and the Rugged Surge (23-SEP-2020)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Recent Data Analysis – some initial thoughts.

  2. Sound Signature Review 6.22 – the Rugged Surge!

  3. Apparatus improvements coming along – more testing this week. Unsuppressed stuff too?

  4. Ammunition shortages. Don’t lose hope!

  5. Welcome to new PEW Science members. Thank you for your support – and the feedback!

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Episode 31 - Recent Testing and the 11.5 Mid-length M16 (16-SEP-2020)

Episode 31 - Recent Testing and the 11.5 Mid-length M16 (16-SEP-2020)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Recent Testing – some initial thoughts.

  2. The 11.5” midlength gas upper – yes. It is, in fact, awesome. It is also specialized. What have we learned so far?

  3. New Sound Signature Review coming this week!

  4. Welcome to new PEW Science members. Thank you for your support – and remember to ask questions!

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Episode 30 - 11.5 inch 5.56, KAC, Q Thunder Chicken, 300BLK Testing (09-SEP-2020)

Episode 30 - 11.5 inch 5.56, KAC, Q Thunder Chicken, 300BLK Testing (09-SEP-2020)

Today’s Topics:

  1. 11.5-inch 5.56 with mid-length gas? What’s the world coming to?

  2. Knight’s Armament stuff – should you care?

  3. Sound Signature Review 6.20 – Q Thunder Chicken on .308; let’s talk about it.

  4. Ammunition shipment finally arrived from Discreet Ballistics – testing soon.

  5. Welcome to new PEW Science members. Thank you for your support!

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