Episode 29 - Day Gear, More Data, 300BLK Testing (02-SEP-2020)

Episode 29 - Day Gear, More Data, 300BLK Testing (02-SEP-2020)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Field load-out for short day excursions at the ranch (pictured). Let’s talk about it!

  2. Just shot the 300BLK miniFix and .308 Fix I built, and they are nice.

  3. Speaking of the miniFix – going to pivot directly into 300BLK testing very soon!

  4. Upcoming data release – new Sound Signature Review coming this week and a Member’s Research Supplement!

  5. PEW Science is growing. The membership is loyal and aggressive (just how we like it)

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Episode 28 - Esoteric Gun Parts, 300BLK Silencers, and Testing (19-AUG-2020)

Episode 28 - Esoteric Gun Parts, 300BLK Silencers, and Testing  (19-AUG-2020)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Esoteric gun parts - .22 Conversions and Fancy Bolt Carriers.

  2. Another round of .308 testing coming up; may dovetail 300BLK as well.

  3. Fix rifles have finally shipped – 300BLK ammunition has also been selected.

  4. Listener/reader questions – what silencer do I buy for 300BLK?

  5. As always - thanks to all the members of PEW Science!

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Episode 27 - .308 Summary, Dead Air Sandman-Ti, and New Testing (12-AUG-2020)

Episode 27 - .308 Summary, Dead Air Sandman-Ti, and New Testing (12-AUG-2020)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Intermediate Results Summary 6.18 – Compact and Mid-Size .308 Rifle Silencers.

  2. Sound Signature Review 6.19 – Dead Air Sandman-Ti.

  3. More reviews coming soon; and gearing up for some new testing.

  4. Vacation is upon us – and maybe some gun talk.

  5. As always - thanks to all the members of PEW Science!

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Episode 26 - Tone, Rugged Radiant, CGS Hyperion K, and Some Guns (05-AUG-2020)

Episode 26 - Tone, Rugged Radiant, CGS Hyperion K, and Some Guns (05-AUG-2020)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Members Research Supplement 6.17 – Razor, Sandman-S, Trash Panda, and Radiant.

  2. Current Favorite guns in the collection and silencer utility.

  3. Sticking with the Rugged Radiant for now, for hunting. Kind of want a Hyperion K.

  4. New Sound Signature Review this week and a summary too?!

  5. Thanks to the recent new members of PEW Science!

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Episode 25 - Review 6.16, Rugged Razor, and 300BLK Machine Gun (29-JUL-2020)

Episode 25 - Review 6.16, Rugged Razor, and 300BLK Machine Gun (29-JUL-2020)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.16 – The Rugged Razor.

  2. 300BLK Machine Gun Update – The good, the bad, the fun.

  3. Going to need a lighter full-size .30 silencer for my personal collection.

  4. Member Research Supplement this week.

  5. Thanks to the recent new membership supporters of PEW Science!

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Episode 24 - Q mini Fix, 300BLK, and Subguns (22-JUL-2020)

Episode 24 - Q mini Fix, 300BLK, and Subguns (22-JUL-2020)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Just returned from New Hampshire – Visited Q and also Mr. Joe Gaddini – the guy who started SWR, for those of you who don’t know.

  2. Mini Fix 300BLK test host built and should be home soon. And a .308 Fix, because reasons.

  3. Make subguns great again – get one while you can.

  4. New Sound Signature Review this week!

  5. Thanks to all membership supporters of PEW Science – your continued support will help this become sustainable.

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Episode 23 - Kevin Brittingham, Q (15-JUL-2020)

Episode 23 - Kevin Brittingham, Q (15-JUL-2020)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Introduction – my visit to Q and the Fix build(s).

  2. Kevin talks about Q’s focus and evolution.

  3. Q’s processes, engineering, and innovation – my impressions.

  4. 300BLK testing – and the new host!

  5. Kevin talks about 300BLK commercialization and we talk about the technology.

  6. Industry politics and separating fact from fiction.

  7. The Fix origins and the Q Engineering Team.

  8. Industry talk about legacy – examples of H&K and KAC.

  9. Practicality.

  10. Questions I ask Kevin (interview style; several cool topics!)

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Episode 22 - Review 6.15, Sandman-K, 300BLK, and the Industry (08-JUL-2020)

Episode 22 - Review 6.15, Sandman-K, 300BLK, and the Industry (08-JUL-2020)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.15 – Dead Air Sandman-K .308 Test Report.

  2. Research Supplements – Our members make these possible, and they are for them!

  3. Research is continuing on different parameter correlations for suppressed small arms.

  4. Trip scheduled this week; stay tuned for updates (hint: 300BLK test host imminent).

  5. Thanks to all membership supporters of PEW Science, new dealers and members, and industry collaboration.

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Episode 21 - Suppression Rating Update and the Nomad Ti (01-JUL-2020)

Episode 21 - Suppression Rating Update and the Nomad Ti (01-JUL-2020)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Major update to the PEW Science Suppression Rating – super excited to be giving you folks even more data now!

  2. The new Dead Air Nomad-Ti – so much media attention. Initial thoughts.

  3. Back pressure research continues.

  4. New Sound Signature Review coming this week, and another Research Supplement for our members

  5. Thanks to all membership supporters of PEW Science! Also, some shout-outs to some of my internet firearm technology people.

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Episode 20 - Errata, Review 6.13, CGS Helios, and Research (24-JUN-2020)

Episode 20 - Errata, Review 6.13, CGS Helios, and Research (24-JUN-2020)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Major Errata for the website; made some serious typos but they are now corrected.

  2. The CGS Helios QD test report – very interesting silencer, and extremely interesting results.

  3. Further back pressure research and correlations with other parameters - Silencer Efficiency?

  4. Taking a short break from publications, but research continues.

  5. Thanks to all membership supporters of PEW Science!

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Episode 19 - Review 6.12, Rugged Radiant, Back Pressure and the B&T TP9 (17-JUN-2020)

Episode 19 - Review 6.12, Rugged Radiant, Back Pressure and the B&T TP9 (17-JUN-2020)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Rugged Radiant Review 6.12 – an important review of a popular new(ish) silencer!

  2. Got my mags! – and ammo is coming! also, 300BLK in 5.56mm mag reliability?

  3. Back pressure hypothesis – again. Bolt guns only for now?

  4. Speaking of back pressure - The B&T TP9 as a Silencer Host (listener request).

  5. 80% Arms GST-9 Glock Lower? And jig? What?

  6. Some social media questions

    • 4.75” 5.56mm – what silencer to use?

    • Silencer Shop’s testing – why are the numbers different?

    • Zero back-pressure – is it possible?

  7. Many of you have asked me to post on ar15.com and some other sites

  8. New review coming this week.

  9. Resumes – send them if you want but we aren’t hiring this second.

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Episode 18 - Review 6.11, Dead Air Sandman-S, and Mounts (10-JUN-2020)

Episode 18 - Review 6.11, Dead Air Sandman-S, and Mounts (10-JUN-2020)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Reception of the Dead Air Sandman-S Review. This is a very popular silencer, right? We’ll talk about that test data.

  2. Mount feedback – I would like to address a comment we received on the website regarding some things I said on the previous episode. I think this deserves some time.

  3. The Liberty Kodiak TL – an older mono-core rimfire silencer that is getting a face-lift.

  4. More parts arrival for one of the builds – the important thing, I think, is to not look at receipts when you build guns. It’s better to forget about the money.

  5. 300BLK ammo update – finally grabbed some, on Monday. Kind of exciting for me.

  6. New review coming this week – it will contain a new feature that I think folks will find useful. This is a big deal.

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Episode 17 - Review 6.10, Omega, and Back Pressure (03-JUN-2020)

Episode 17 - Review 6.10, Omega, and Back Pressure (03-JUN-2020)

Today’s topics:

  1. Reception of the SilencerCo Omega 300 .308 test – this was an interesting test which confirmed what a lot of people already knew about this silencer.

  2. The .308 reviews are in full swing and we have a test of a popular silencer coming to you this week. The manufacturer is in the wind, however.

  3. Future testing – philosophy and host weapons. Let’s talk back pressure.

  4. 300BLK updates – almost all my parts are here. Been playing with optics. But no ammo.

  5. Manufacturers continue to enter the space.

  6. Some new PEW Science members – a lot of really productive conversations on social media; folks have been helping each other – it’s awesome.

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Episode 16 - Review 6.8, 6.9, and the SWR Trident-9 (27-MAY-2020)

Episode 16 - Review 6.8, 6.9, and the SWR Trident-9 (27-MAY-2020)

Today’s topics:

  1. Reception of the SWR Trident-9 test on the HK P30L – this was a blast from the past, right? Some talk about that and the members-only Research Supplement we released in tandem.

  2. Back to .308 reviews now – let’s get back on track – new review coming this week.

  3. 5.56 – 11.5” build seems fun. Might do it sooner than later.

  4. 300BLK Updates.

  5. More manufacturers entering the space – a little talk about the industry and social media.

  6. Some new PEW Science members - welcome!

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Episode 15 - Review 6.7 and 300BLK Build (20-MAY-2020)

Episode 15 - Review 6.7 and 300BLK Build (20-MAY-2020)

Today’s topics:

  1. Reception of the Rugged Obsidian 45 test on 9mm - this was an interesting review.

  2. Some PEW Science consulting activity - more manufacturers entering the space.

  3. New review coming this week.

  4. New members-only research supplement coming this week.

  5. Continued analysis of .308 data and some observations.

  6. 300BLK build update(s) - notice anything different about that receiver extension and buffer?

  7. Thanks to PEW Science members and welcome!⠀

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Episode 14 - Review 6.6 and .308 Tests (13-MAY-2020)

Episode 14 - Review 6.6 and .308 Tests (13-MAY-2020)

Today’s topics:

  1. Reception of the CGS MOD 9 Full Size review – this was an important review

  2. Members-only research supplements

  3. New review coming this week

  4. Big .308 test series we just conducted – mounts, sound, weight, oh my

  5. A large poll we conducted on military-use silencers and their attractiveness to consumers

  6. The Glock, and why it’s not necessarily bad… necessarily.

  7. Thanks to PEW Science members and welcome

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Episode 12 - Review 6.3 and 308 Winchester (28-APR-2020)

Episode 12 - Review 6.3 and 308 Winchester (28-APR-2020)

On today’s episode, the following topics are addressed:

  1. 300 BLK barrels – update on the new build(s)

  2. PEW Science Membership (specifically, the people; the actual members of PEW Science)

  3. 308 Winchester reviews, the 308 cartridge, etc

  4. Sound Signature Review 6.3 – the Energetic Armament VOX – some talk about those results

  5. What to expect going forward – new review this week!

  6. Noise in the industry – how to rise above it.

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Episode 11 - New Tests and Listener Questions (22-APR-2020)

Episode 11 - New Tests and Listener Questions (22-APR-2020)

On the previous episode we addressed a ton of topics. Super fun.

Today, I wanted to address the following:

  1. New review coming soon – stay tuned this week for that – and some details about calling an audible this time.

  2. Future guests? Been getting some requests from folks that want to be on the podcast and also from listeners about desired guests.

  3. Just completed a huge test series and added a significant number of tests to our database…. The data hasn’t all been processed yet but wow – we tested some popular silencers.

  4. Some answers to some of your questions since last time.

  5. Subgun silencers – who is using them, and why?

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Episode 10 - Review 6.2, Our Supporters, 3rd Party Testing, 300BLK, and PDWs (16-APR-2020)

Episode 10 - Review 6.2, Our Supporters, 3rd Party Testing, 300BLK, and PDWs (16-APR-2020)

Hello everyone! Welcome to episode 10 of the Jay Situation Podcast. 10 episodes! That’s neat, right? I really enjoy doing these and the feedback from you folks so far is that you enjoy it too, so that seems like a win-win. Thanks for listening!

Last time we covered a lot of ground. Today, I’m going to continue some of last week’s discussions and also move into some new topics.

On today’s agenda, there are five main topics:

1. Sound Signature Review 6.2 – The Rugged Oculus on a subcompact .22 pistol

2. Thanks to members and supporters of PEW Science

3. Testing from other sources and some new online silencer community exposure

4. 300 BLK – barrels and components for the AR platform

5. Personal Defense Weapons

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