Silencer Sound Standard™
SSS.5 - Suppression Rating™
The PEW Science Suppression Rating is the industry standard for silencer sound performance. The Rating takes into account the following suppressed weapon system performance metrics:
Peak magnitude of sound pressure at the muzzle and at the shooter’s ear
Duration of sound pressure at the muzzle and the shooter’s ear
Hearing damage potential to the shooter and to bystanders
Silencer performance on a paired host weapon
Objective loudness, which is directly related to hearing damage potential
The Suppression Rating spans a scale from zero to 100; zero being the most severe sound signature and 100 being the quietest possible small arm weapon system. The Rating units are dimensionless and plotted on a linear scale. However, the shot scale is nonlinear due to the comfort and perception with unprotected ears of the shooter and bystanders. You can view the rating alone on a simple qualitative scale or with the quantitative practical shot dose scale in the below graphics.
PEW Science Suppression Rating
The most accurate and comprehensive small arms sound signature rating available.
The Suppression Rating uses the PEW Science empirical data set in P-i space mapped to hearing damage analysis with newly created HDLs and is the most comprehensive sound signature rating available. This rating is the standard for the commercial silencer market. Theoretical shot doses are based upon occasional exposure, defined as a sliding 24-hour period not occurring greater than once per week. The overall Rating is a composite of estimates for the shooter and bystanders and may globally shift for some users. Detailed Ratings are included with all PEW Science suppressor test data.
Detailed Rating Example
Detailed Suppression Ratings 1.0 m left of the muzzle and 0.15 m (6 inches) from the shooter’s right ear are shown in the master Suppression Rating Graphic in each Sound Signature Review. An example is shown here for the SilencerCo Omega 300 centerfire rifle suppressor when fired on a .308 bolt-action rifle with 20-inch barrel and supersonic ammunition.
Note that for this particular weapon system, the Suppression Rating at the shooter’s ear is significantly higher than that at the weapon system muzzle. This indicates that the shooter and bystanders behind the shooter will be subject to less hearing damage potential than bystanders directly adjacent to the weapon system, during firing.
Rating and Review Framework
As the public PEW Science laboratory data set grows, each firearm, silencer, and combination thereof will be viewed relative to each other. Each weapon system has a unique Suppression Rating, and all Ratings are on the same scale. Peak sound Pressure Waveforms, Impulse Waveforms, and Suppression Ratings will be reported, objectively, in accordance with the following stipulations:
Muzzle waveforms will be measured from a microphone placed 1.0 m left of the muzzle, with adequate standoff from reflecting surfaces.
At-ear waveforms will be measured from a microphone 0.15 m to the right of the shooter’s right ear, with the shooter’s head present, with adequate standoff from reflecting surfaces.
Far-field waveforms will be reported from microphone(s) placed in various locations, in an ad hoc manner, or as requested. PEW-SOFT microphone quantities and placements are practically unlimited.
All waveforms will be reported raw, unfiltered, and at time scales which clearly indicate no influence of reflecting surfaces.
This is the baseline that will be updated and maintained for this Standard. The Suppression Rating takes into account all meaningful sound signature metrics for suppressed small arm weapon systems.
Detailed white papers for each tested system will be presented in SSS.6 - Sound Signature Reviews.