Episode 189 - SilencerCo Velos LBP on the 5.56 MK18 and Listener Questions (29-NOV-2023)

Episode 189 - SilencerCo Velos LBP on the 5.56 MK18 and Listener Questions (29-NOV-2023)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.134 – SilencerCo Velos LBP on the 5.56 MK18. This is the introductory discussion for this long-awaited white paper, published today with this podcast episode! Huge thanks to PEW Science members for making this research possible. (00:06:04)

  2. Listener Questions are back! That’s right – it’s time for the 6th solicitation. Fresh off of the presses, we just gathered all of your questions earlier this week, so we’ll kick off answering some from this new batch right now! If you didn’t get your question in this time, don’t worry – there will be more opportunities! (00:16:04)

  3. Thank you for all your support – consumers, dealers, distributors, and manufacturers – you are all making this happen! It’s been a great year and it’s not even over yet! The state of suppressed small arms research is in your debt. (00:57:55)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 188 - BOSS Silencers and Suppressed Hunting with Thermal (21-NOV-2023)

Episode 188 - BOSS Silencers and Suppressed Hunting with Thermal (21-NOV-2023)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.132 - BOSS Silencers Chairman (7.62) on the .308 bolt action. This is the technical discussion of this white paper released last week. A Tesla valve design principle? Maybe, but not exactly. (00:07:05)

  2. Sound Signature Review 6.133 – BOSS Silencers Guillotine (5.56) on the 5.56 MK18. This is another silencer with analysis published last week – and this is the technical discussion for that article. (00:27:11)

  3. Whitetail deer season is in full swing! I just had a great weekend hunt. Used traditional tools, with a silencer, during the day. At night? Advanced tools with silencers and thermal. Be the apex predator your tribe wants you to be. Hunting story time! (00:41:12)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 187 - PTR VENT-2 on the MP5, and BOSS Silencers Chairman and Guillotine (15-NOV-2023)

Episode 187 - PTR VENT-2 on the MP5, and BOSS Silencers Chairman and Guillotine (15-NOV-2023)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.131 – the PTR VENT 2 on the HK SP5 (MP5 analog) – technical discussion for this white paper that was published 01-NOV. Purposely Induced Porosity (PIP) technology – does it work? Yeah, apparently. What an exciting time to add a new technology to the research pedigree! (00:07:18)

  2. Sound Signature Reviews 6.132 - BOSS Silencers Chairman (7.62) and 6.133 – BOSS Silencers Guillotine (5.56) are live right now! That’s right. More data and analysis. This is the introductory discussion for these two whitepapers just published for this new PEW Science laboratory client. (00:44:34)

  3. The Jay Situation Podcast YouTube Channel is now alive. The podcast syncing seems to be working seamlessly – glad to see the YouTube folks checking out the episodes! Thank you very much for all of your support of PEW Science – this has been such a great year so far and there is more data and analysis to come! (00:49:27)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 186 - Silencers Indoors, CAT WB on 5.56 MK18 and 14.5 Mid M4A1, and YouTube (08-NOV-2023)

Episode 186 - Silencers Indoors, CAT WB on 5.56 MK18 and 14.5 Mid M4A1, and YouTube (08-NOV-2023)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Gas momentum, flow rate, reflections, and hazards. Do all silencers sound the same? No. When you change environments, do all silencers have signatures that change the same way? Also no. This topic is brought to you by a PEW Science Pro Member question. (00:07:52)

  2. Sound Signature Review 6.129 and 6.130 – the CAT/WB/A1/718 on the 5.56 MK18 and M4A1 Mid-Gas, respectively! Combined technical discussion for the two white papers published 25-OCT. We’ll hit the technical discussion for SSS.6.131 with the PTR VENT 2 next time. (00:20:50)

  3. The Jay Situation Podcast is now also on YouTube! That’s right! We’re also on YouTube Music. We have received a lot of requests for this. All episodes are available on the Jay Situation YouTube Channel now, and will be going forward! (00:57:05)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 185 - Surefire SOCOM556-RC2 on 14.5 Mid and PTR VENT 2 on the MP5 (01-NOV-2023)

Episode 185 - Surefire SOCOM556-RC2 on 14.5 Mid and PTR VENT 2 on the MP5 (01-NOV-2023)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.128 – the Surefire SOCOM556-RC2 on the 5.56 M4A1 Mid-Gas with both 3-Prong and WARCOMP! This is the technical discussion covering the white paper published 22-OCT. (00:09:57)

  2. Sound Signature Review 6.131 – the PTR VENT 2 on the HK SP5 (MP5 analog) – introductory discussion for this white paper that is live right now! Purposely Induced Porosity (PIP) technology – does it work? Yeah, apparently. (00:47:32)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 184 - LPM Torch, 14.5 Mid-Gas, Surefire SOCOM556-RC2, and CAT WB (25-OCT-2023)

Episode 184 - LPM Torch, 14.5 Mid-Gas, Surefire SOCOM556-RC2, and CAT WB (25-OCT-2023)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.126 – the Liberty Precision Machine Torch on the 5.56 MK18. With both solid and vented end caps! This is the technical discussion of the PEW Science laboratory white paper released last week! (00:15:06)

  2. Public Research Supplement 6.127 – the standard M4A1 test host! 14.5-in mid-length gas 5.56 testing is here! As is tradition, we have defined the standardized parameters for the research pedigreewith your help! Abbreviated discussion. (00:45:12)

  3. Sound Signature Review 6.128 – the Surefire SOCOM556-RC2 on the 5.56 M4A1 Mid-Gas with both 3-Prong and WARCOMP! This is introductory discussion covering the white paper published Sunday. We’ve kicked off the 14.5 research progression! (00:53:11)

  4. Sound Signature Review 6.129 – the CAT/WB/A1/718 on the 5.56 MK18! This is live right now. Yes. Introductory discussion for this much anticipated dataset! Small silencer. Interesting performance! (01:07:30)

  5. And, in tandem…. Sound Signature Review 6.130 – the CAT/WB/A1/718 on the 5.56 M4A1 Mid-Gas. I told you we started 14.5 testing. We’ve actually done quite a bit. And, the client testing has already started too. Here is one of them! This should give you a great picture of how Surge Bypass technology scales. Introductory discussion. (01:15:40)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 183 - Resilient Suppressors Jessie's Girl and the LPM Torch MK18 Data (18-OCT-2023)

Episode 183 - Resilient Suppressors Jessie's Girl and the LPM Torch MK18 Data (18-OCT-2023)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.125 – the Resilient Suppressors Jessie’s Girl on .22 bolt-action. This is the technical discussion of the PEW Science laboratory white paper released last week! (00:11:39)

  2. Sound Signature Review 6.126 – the Liberty Precision Machine Torch on the 5.56 MK18. With both solid and vented end caps! This white paper is live right now! Let’s go over an introduction to this silencer and this article and we’ll hit the technical discussion next week, per typical. (00:36:52)

  3. Patience is important (for you folks, and us!) – if you are a veteran of the NFA game, patience may still not come naturally to you, but it is probably learned, nonetheless. The PEW Science laboratory is anxious to publish many PEW Science Member-funded research articles. As we progress through the remainder of this year, keep your eye on the prize – it will be worth it. You folks have really come through and some great testing has happened! (00:48:52)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 182 - Resilient Suppressors Jessie's Girl, Suppressed Rimfire, and 14.5 AR15 (11-OCT-2023)

Episode 182 - Resilient Suppressors Jessie's Girl, Suppressed Rimfire, and 14.5 AR15 (11-OCT-2023)

Today’s Topics:

  1. New Sound Signature Review? That’s right. SSS.6.125 – the Resilient Suppressors Jessie’s Girl on .22 bolt-action. The last time you saw rimfire data and analysis from PEW Science was on PEW Science Silencer Sound Standard launch day. Since that historic day, we have given you a wide variety of information. Let’s circle back to the quietest systems now that you have context! Let the battle begin. (00:11:14)

  2. Speaking of battles – just when you thought it was safe to suppress the AR-15. Do you have time to discuss 14.5 midlength gas? I hope so, because you should pull up a chair, get comfortable, and maybe throw out a lot of things you thought you knew about suppressing the AR-15. Fighting battles on multiple fronts is going to be the theme going forward. Good luck. (00:35:02)

  3. How are we able to provide consistent, topical information for almost 4 years running, continuously, accurately, and with exceptional quality and relevance? With PEW Science Member support, that’s how. Behind every monumental effort is a backbone of support, and the grassroots PEW Science Army is stronger than ever. From dealers, to distributors, to manufacturers, to consumers, to families – everyone is banding together to educate the masses on the wonderful world of suppressed small arms. Cheers to you – it’s working! (00:53:40)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 181 - Listener Questions, PEW Science Suppression Rating, and Member Thank You (04-OCT-2023)

Episode 181 - Listener Questions, PEW Science Suppression Rating, and Member Thank You (04-OCT-2023)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Listener Questions are back! We continue answering the questions from the 5th solicitation. Are we going to finish it? That’s a solid “maybe.” Very strong maybe. (00:09:51)

  2. PEW Lab Quiz #7. Oh yes. A simple one! Wasn’t too hard. But, it might be one of the most important quizzes they have done. How do you use the PEW Science Suppression Rating? What is it for? Are you using it correctly? Let’s go over the answers to the quiz to make sure folks are all on the same page! (00:48:37)

  3. Huge thank you to PEW Science members – this effort has been grassroots from the beginning and that continues well into our third year of operations. From the consumer, dealer, manufacturer, and distributor support – to our professional lab testing clients – you have all combined your forces to create the greatest truly independent third-party testing and analysis database ever published. Kudos to all of you! (01:14:45)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 180 - Surefire SOCOM556-RC3, HUXWRX Ventum 762, PEW Science Member Research (26-SEP-2023)

Episode 180 - Surefire SOCOM556-RC3, HUXWRX Ventum 762, PEW Science Member Research (26-SEP-2023)

Today’s Topics:

  1. What’s that? New silencers? There are always new models coming to market. What’s the latest? More Flow-Through technology from HUXWRX – the Ventum line (Ventum 762), as well as an updated prolific rifle series – the Surefire SOCOM556-RC3? What else is on the horizon? How do these additions impact the market, if at all? (00:10:52)

  2. Speaking of new and emerging technologies – new PEW Science Member Research, published today! That’s right. Research Supplement 6.124 is live - Subsonic 300 BLK Suppression Performance - Flow-Through vs. Forward Flux vs. SURGE BYPASS vs. Conventional Silencers. Head-to-Head Comparisons! HUXWRX HX-QD 762 vs. Sig Sauer SLH300Ti vs. Combat Application Technologies CAT/ODB/A1/718 vs. Surefire SOCOM300-SPS vs. Sig Sauer SRD762QD-Ti. SUBSONIC BATTLE. This adds to our supersonic battle series from Research Supplement 6.115. (00:35:21)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 179 - PWS BDE 556 on the MK18, and HK Roller Delayed Blowback (20-SEP-2023)

Episode 179 - PWS BDE 556 on the MK18, and HK Roller Delayed Blowback (20-SEP-2023)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Latest public laboratory white paper – Sound Signature Review 6.123 – PWS BDE 556 on the 5.56x45mm MK18 SBR. Two configurations were tested – just like for its big brother, the BDE 762. This is the technical discussion to complement that white paper, published this past Sunday. (00:08:26)

  2. PEW Lab Quiz #6. Booooy howdy there’s a fever. And the only prescription is suppressed roller delayed blow back. But, don’t break your gun! Can that happen? Let’s go over the answers to this week’s quiz to find out! (00:43:27)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 178 - CAT ODB on Subsonic 300 BLK, and Shooting 5.56 at a Berm (13-SEP-2023)

Episode 178 - CAT ODB on Subsonic 300 BLK, and Shooting 5.56 at a Berm (13-SEP-2023)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Latest public laboratory white paper – Sound Signature Review 6.122 – Combat Application Technologies CAT/ODB/A1/718 on subsonic 300 BLK. Short tech brief for this silencer. Interesting performance. (00:09:25)

  2. PEW Lab Quiz #5. This was a good one, I think – and a lot of folks are participating! Good to see. Let’s go over the answers! (00:51:39)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 177 - PWS BDE 762 on .308, 3D Printing, and Impulse (06-SEP-2023)

Episode 177 - PWS BDE 762 on .308, 3D Printing, and Impulse (06-SEP-2023)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Latest public laboratory white paperSound Signature Review 6.121 – Primary Weapons Systems PWS BDE 762 on .308! Short tech brief for this modular rifle silencer. Haven’t seen modular rifle stuff in a minute! (00:10:16)

  2. Another PEW lab quiz has come and gone. Per feedback, they stepped up the difficulty. Did you persevere? Or did you succumb to the pressure? Haha – let’s go over the answers! (00:44:06)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 176 - CAT ODB on 5.56, PWS BDE 762 on .308, and more Quizzes! (30-AUG-2023)

Episode 176 - CAT ODB on 5.56, PWS BDE 762 on .308, and more Quizzes! (30-AUG-2023)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Latest public laboratory white paper – Sound Signature Review 6.120 – CAT/ODB/A1/718 on the 5.56x45mm MK18 SBR. Short tech brief for you, as is our new routine. Controversial silencer? It just might be – because of physics. (00:09:49)

  2. The PEW Lab is releasing another white paper this week. The data has passed review and it’s for Primary Weapon Systems - the PWS BDE 762 on bolt-action .308. The BDE 762 is a modular silencer and a hybrid DMLS / subtractive design! Is DMLS the future of silencers? No, not of all silencers. Of high-performance silencers? Yeah, probably. (00:44:29)

  3. Did you folks get last week’s PEW lab quiz correct AND the weekend quiz? There were two! Let’s go over the answers. You folks are some smart cookies! (00:55:27)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 175 - Aero Precision Lahar-30L on 5.56, CAT ODB on 5.56, and a Quiz! (23-AUG-2023)

Episode 175 - Aero Precision Lahar-30L on 5.56, CAT ODB on 5.56, and a Quiz! (23-AUG-2023)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Latest public laboratory white paper – Sound Signature Review 6.119 – Aero Precision Lahar-30L on the 5.56x45mm MK18 SBR. Short tech brief for you! Let’s get these discussions streamlined. (00:08:12)

  2. The PEW Lab is releasing another white paper this week. The data has passed review and it’s the CAT/ODB/A1/718- that’s right. The CAT ODB – a 7.62mm silencer. We’ll do MK18 data tomorrow. Then more, soon(ish). We’ve got ourselves a 30 cal battle, boys! (00:23:10)

  3. Did you folks get last week’s PEW lab quiz correct? A lot of folks did! Let’s go over the answer in this (hopefully fun) new segment! (00:36:45)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology, Top Gun Range Houston, Legion Athletics, and the PEW Science Laboratory!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 174 - Muzzle Devices, Listener Questions, and More Data! (16-AUG-2023)

Episode 174 - Muzzle Devices, Listener Questions, and More Data! (16-AUG-2023)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Can you guess the muzzle devices in today’s photo? Whoever guesses correctly receives the satisfaction of a job well done. (00:20:59)

  2. Listener Questions are back! Let’s hit even more from the 5th solicitation! We’re getting so close! (00:30:29)

  3. New Sound Signature Review this week? You bet! Some interesting data in a regime not quite yet fully explored! (01:03:03)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology, Top Gun Range Houston, and Legion Athletics!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 173 - The Best AAC Ti-RANT 9 Data and Analysis in the World (09-AUG-2023)

Episode 173 - The Best AAC Ti-RANT 9 Data and Analysis in the World (09-AUG-2023)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Intro (nighttime tomfoolery, CAT, PEW Science Comms @thejaysituation Instagram Channel, etc). (00:00:00)

  2. Advertisements – this timestamp is here so you understand there are things before the ads, so if you skip the ads, you don’t also skip actual content that you may want to hear. (00:10:09)

  3. Sound Signature Review 6.118 – the AAC Ti-RANT 9M-HD, Ti-RANT 9M, and Ti-RANT 9! All on the HK P30L. All configurations! The most in-depth, complete, and high-fidelity Ti-RANT 9 case study ever published. And all with PEW Science member funding! This is the technical discussion to accompany this initial article. More research will be published!

    a. Part A – some historical background (00:19:03)

    b. Part B – some technical nitty gritty (00:48:12)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology, Top Gun Range Houston, and Legion Athletics!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 172 - More Silencer Data and Combat Application Technologies (02-AUG-2023)

Episode 172 - More Silencer Data and Combat Application Technologies (02-AUG-2023)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Welcome back! What better way to kick off August than with a new Sound Signature Review! That’s right! Something a little bit different for you folks this week – but a long time coming! I think you’ll get a kick out of it. (00:11:53)

  2. The silencer industry is evolving! So many new manufacturers, all the time. And, a lot of folks are using PEW Science for performance testing and analysis! Another company was made public recently for the civilian market – Combat Application Technologies (CAT). Interesting times! (00:16:06)

  3. Action-packed 2023, I think, will continue. Legacy model testing, new hosts, new silencers, and new companies – thanks for your enthusiasm about the PEW Science Silencer Sound Standard – you have all made it a reality! (00:52:34)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology, Top Gun Range Houston, and Legion Athletics!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 171 - Abel Company Theorem-L and Silencer Advancement (19-JUL-2023)

Episode 171 - Abel Company Theorem-L and Silencer Advancement (19-JUL-2023)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.117 – Abel Company Theorem-L on .308 bolt action! This is the technical discussion of the article that was published last week. (00:14:23)

  2. Significant field testing and analysis activities have occurred this summer. The silencer landscape has changed and continues to evolve. PEW Science thanks all members and podcast listeners for the continued support. We’re popping smoke, and will return in August. (01:10:53)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology, Top Gun Range Houston, and Legion Athletics!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 170 - Listener Questions, More Data, and PEW Science Corporate Support (12-JUL-2023)

Episode 170 - Listener Questions, More Data, and PEW Science Corporate Support (12-JUL-2023)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Listener Questions are back again! More of your queries are addressed from the 5th Solicitation. We’re catching up! (00:11:13)

  2. New Sound Signature Review this week? You betcha! The database grows, performance limits are tested – it’s a great time to be into silencers! (00:54:41)

  3. Huge thanks to all the supporters of PEW Science! In addition to wonderful consumer members, the research cooperative has awesome corporate support! A big PEW Science welcome to Champion Firearms, PTR, the Cody Firearms Museum, and Battle Hawk Armory! (00:58:25)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology, Top Gun Range Houston, and Legion Athletics!

Legion Athletics: use code pewscience for 20% off your first order and double points!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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