Episode 149 - Otter Creek Labs Lithium and PEW Science Corporate Supporters (08-FEB-2023)

Episode 149 - Otter Creek Labs Lithium and PEW Science Corporate Supporters (08-FEB-2023)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review SSS.6.102 – The Otter Creek Labs Lithium on the HK SP5 9mm submachinegun. This is the technical discussion of this test data and analysis. (00:06:30)

  2. Thank you for your support, which enables this research to continue. Just created a new PEW Science Corporate Supporters page to help thank industry entities! Also, a quick note about the use of PEW Science Rankings and the Suppression Rating, to better inform silencer choices for your use case. There are other parameters to consider, as well – many use cases are different! (00:48:45)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology and Top Gun Range Houston!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 148 - YouTube Firearms Policy, KNS DiSCARder, and Testing Updates (01-FEB-2023)

Episode 148 - YouTube Firearms Policy, KNS DiSCARder, and Testing Updates (01-FEB-2023)

Today’s Topics:

  1. The YouTube Firearms Policy, and you. Does it matter? It might – and possibly, more than you may think. (00:09:08)

  2. PEW Science SCAR Project Update #9 – the KNS DiSCARder. The KNS Adjustable Gas Regulator for the FN SCAR. How does it compare to the Mototech SCARburator? Initial thoughts. (01:12:24)

  3. New Sound Signature Review this week. That’s right! We’ll kick off February with something a little different. (01:35:22)

  4. Quick update on some of the requested testing from PEW Science members, clients, and the public. Barrel lengths and shooting environment matter! Thanks for all your support – it helps to be able to continue this type of research. It is also helping create a space and opportunities for new companies to thrive! (01:37:43)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology and Top Gun Range Houston!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 147 - CGS SCI-SIX Program Technical Discussion, KAC MK23, and Indoor Testing (25-JAN-2023)

Episode 147 - CGS SCI-SIX Program Technical Discussion, KAC MK23, and Indoor Testing (25-JAN-2023)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.101 – The CGS SCI-SIX on the 5.56 MK18. This the technical discussion of the SCI-SIX Program. (00:07:08)

  2. The KAC MOD.MK23/USP silencer. Been shooting it on the MK23, been liking it, can’t wait to test it! Is .45 ACP better than subsonic 300 BLK? I mean, maybe. (01:36:52)

  3. New PEW Science testing - the effort continues. As we start to explore more use cases, testing may evolve! What are some of your most desired setups? Most desired locations? How will you use YOUR silencer? (01:50:09)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology and Top Gun Range Houston!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 146 - CGS SCI-SIX Program 5.56 Introduction and SHOT Discussion (19-JAN-2023)

Episode 146 - CGS SCI-SIX Program 5.56 Introduction and SHOT Discussion (19-JAN-2023)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.101 – The CGS SCI-SIX on the 5.56 MK18. This is an introductory discussion of the SCI-SIX Program; the silencer should be publicly released this week. (00:09:32)

  2. Listener Questions? You bet! Let’s jump in and answer some, in the spirit of SHOT week. (00:50:15)

  3. Thank you all for your strong support in the new year. As more companies create new products, and push the boundaries of performance, there are several paths for them to choose. It’s very exciting to see which directions are followed in silencer design! (01:03:34)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology and Top Gun Range Houston!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 145 - Dead Air Nomad-30 5.56 Technical Discussion and the KAC MK23 Experience (11-JAN-2023)

Episode 145 - Dead Air Nomad-30 5.56 Technical Discussion and the KAC MK23 Experience (11-JAN-2023)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.100 – The Dead Air Nomad-30 (1st Gen) on the 5.56 MK18! This is the technical discussion. (00:05:36)

  2. The KAC MK23 silencer on the HK MK23 Offensive Combat Handgun. Good golly, miss molly. Is it special? Yeah, you betcha. First impressions. (00:46:31)

  3. PEW Science and podcast merch coming soon? Maybe not soon, but one podcast listener did get some for Christmas. He’s now a PEW Science member – big shout out to this gentleman and his wife, who reached out to try to surprise him. We made a Christmas miracle happen! (01:02:26)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 144 - Q Full Nelson 300 BLK Technical Discussion and Happy New Year! (04-JAN-2023)

Episode 144 - Q Full Nelson 300 BLK Technical Discussion and Happy New Year! (04-JAN-2023)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.99 – The Q Full Nelson with subsonic 300 BLK. The introduction was last episode. This is the technical discussion. (00:12:12)

  2. New Year? Yes! New Sound Signature Review this week! You betcha. Big deal? Probably for a lot of you, yes. (01:43:18)

  3. What a wonderful year 2022 was for PEW Science and the Silencer Sound Standard! All of us helped a lot of people. Throughout the year, education proliferated throughout the industry and we are all better for it. Let’s do the same in 2023 – with emphasis! Also, machine guns are cool. Try to shoot one this year. It should be one of your goals. (01:47:10)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 143 - Q Full Nelson with Subsonic 300 BLK, Listener Questions, and T.REX ARMS (11-DEC-2022)

Episode 143 - Q Full Nelson with Subsonic 300 BLK, Listener Questions, and T.REX ARMS (11-DEC-2022)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.99 – The Q Full Nelson with subsonic 300 BLK. Early review, before the holidays! This review is published concurrently with this episode, so this is an introductory discussion. (00:06:25)

  2. Some more Listener Questions before the holidays?! You bet your sweet suppressed small arms collection there is. Let’s do it! (00:37:12)

  3. I just appeared on Episode 149 of T.Rex Talk with Isaac from T.REX ARMS! We discuss testing, the firearm industry ecosystem, integrity, and the development of the Citizen Defense Industry. What a great way to end the year! To all the listeners, readers, and PEW Science members – thanks for making 2022 amazing. (01:00:27)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 142 - Brownells BRN-4, HK416, Technical Data, and Listener Questions (07-DEC-2022)

Episode 142 - Brownells BRN-4, HK416, Technical Data, and Listener Questions (07-DEC-2022)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Ah, the Brownells BRN-4. Accessible HK416? Possibly. Confusing specifications? Definitely. Check out the new PEW Science Small Arms Technical Data page on the website for some help! (00:05:46)

  2. Let’s keep going with Listener Questions from the 5th Solicitation! Some more answers to your queries before the holidays will be great. (00:35:12)

  3. PEW Science testing has wrapped up for 2022 and we have a lot of exciting test programs booked for the new year! Analysis continues and the research effort is fueled by your support. Thank you, sincerely. (01:17:14)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 141 - YHM Turbo T2 Technical Discussion, Listener Questions, and the HK416 (30-NOV-2022)

Episode 141 - YHM Turbo T2 Technical Discussion, Listener Questions, and the HK416 (30-NOV-2022)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.98 – YHM Turbo T2 – 5.56 data with the MK18 – technical discussion. (00:06:13)

  2. Let’s continue with Listener Questions from the 5th Solicitation! This is always a fun time. (00:42:46)

  3. Every time I delve into a new firearm platform, I am amazed at both the lack and inaccuracy of information. Enter: the HK416. Thank goodness we don’t have to worry about that with silencers anymore – thanks to all the PEW Science members making this happen! Grassroots support is saving silencers, one test at a time. (01:14:11)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 140 - YHM Turbo T2 on 5.56 and Listener Questions (23-NOV-2022)

Episode 140 - YHM Turbo T2 on 5.56 and Listener Questions (23-NOV-2022)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Oh, good golly Miss Molly – it’s Listener Questions time again! Let’s start to answer your questions from the 5th Solicitation! We’re to almost 300 so far! (00:11:21)

  2. Sound Signature Review 6.98 – YHM Turbo T2 – 5.56 data with the MK18 – published concurrently with this podcast episode! Thanksgiving is coming up. I am thankful I could get this to you! This is an introductory discussion. (00:52:42)

  3. You know what sucks? When the deer you are hunting since watching him all summer gets hit by a car. That sucks. But you know what doesn’t suck? All of the great support from the PEW Science family. That’s right – consumer, dealer, and manufacturer members – I am very thankful for all of you. You all make this happen. (01:02:25)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 139 - HUXWRX CA$H 9K on 9mm Pistol and Submachinegun (16-NOV-2022)

Episode 139 - HUXWRX CA$H 9K on 9mm Pistol and Submachinegun (16-NOV-2022)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.96 – HUXWRX CA$H 9K on the HK P30L semiauto full-size 9mm pistol. Technical discussion. Interesting performance! (00:04:46)

  2. Sound Signature Review 6.97 – HUXWRX CA$H 9K on the HK SP5 9mm submachinegun. Technical discussion. The MP5 can benefit from lower back pressure??? (00:45:36)

  3. Significant, consistent effort – both inside and outside PEW Science. Thank you for your patience, and your support. A note about the testing and analysis effort and a reminder about the PEW Science mission, for those of you who are new to this and those who have forgotten. (00:58:26)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 138 - Hunting with Silencers and Thermal - and More Data! (09-NOV-2022)

Episode 138 - Hunting with Silencers and Thermal - and More Data! (09-NOV-2022)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Whitetail deer hunting – suppressed, and with thermal? The future is now, old man! (00:08:22)

  2. New Sound Signature Reviews this week? Multiple? Maybe. You can have a little data, as a treat. (01:05:21)

  3. Just finished sending the latest batch of Welcome Emails to the new PEW Science members – thank you so much for your support! Your grassroots contributions to the effort have enabled it to continue; normalizing suppressed small arms is a team effort. And it’s working! (01:10:46)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 137 - Otter Creek Labs Hydrogen-L and Polonium-K Technical Discussion (01-NOV-2022)

Episode 137 - Otter Creek Labs Hydrogen-L and Polonium-K Technical Discussion (01-NOV-2022)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.94 – the Otter Creek Labs Hydrogen-L with subsonic 300BLK. Technical discussion. (00:11:49)

  2. Sound Signature Review 6.95 – the Otter Creek Labs Polonium-K on the 5.56 MK18 SBR. Technical discussion. (00:57:28)

  3. Warm welcome to several new corporate PEW Science supporters. We now have Maxim Defense, JK Armament, Swamp Yankee Arms, QD Specialties, Meta Suppressors, and No Respawn Tactical! That’s right. Six more companies supporting the Silencer Sound Standard and PEW Science! (01:39:35)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 136 - Otter Creek Labs Hydrogen-L and Polonium-K, and Suppressed Pistols (26-OCT-2022)

Episode 136 - Otter Creek Labs Hydrogen-L and Polonium-K, and Suppressed Pistols (26-OCT-2022)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.94 – the Otter Creek Labs Hydrogen-L with subsonic 300BLK! Introductory discussion. (00:07:22)

  2. Sound Signature Review 6.95 – the Otter Creek Labs Polonium-K on the 5.56 MK18 SBR! Introductory discussion. (00:12:59)

  3. Suppressing your pistol. Is it easy? Not always. Should it be? One can dream. Let’s get into the mechanics with this introductory discussion. (00:27:30)

  4. Early deliverables this week; the effort has delivered quality information to PEW Science members and the public, regularly. Your support makes this possible. Thank you for helping to make The Silencer Sound Standard and Suppression Rating the true industry benchmark for suppression performance. (01:08:46)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 135 - Dead Air Sandman-S 5.56 Data, Research, Russia, and Ukrainian Silencers (19-OCT-2022)

Episode 135 - Dead Air Sandman-S 5.56 Data, Research, Russia, and Ukrainian Silencers (19-OCT-2022)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.92 – the Dead Air Sandman-S on the 5.56 MK18 SBR! Technical discussion. (00:07:24)

  2. Member Research Supplement 6.93 – Dead Air Sandman-S end caps. The Dead Air 30 caliber end cap vs. 5.56 end cap – does it make a difference? (00:51:55)

  3. Some folks have reached out regarding interest in characterization of foreign silencers. The Russo-Ukrainian war has actually driven some traffic to PEW Science. Interesting times. Thank you to the members who have been sharing their experiences with PEW Science and the world! (01:04:47)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 134 - New Silencer Users, More Data, and Suppressed Hunting (12-OCT-2022)

Episode 134 - New Silencer Users, More Data, and Suppressed Hunting (12-OCT-2022)

Today’s Topics:

  1. General suppressed small arm loudness. Expectations for new silencer users. “What is a good first silencer” – asked often. Answered…. seldomly. Proper use of the Rankings Table at pewscience.com (00:07:04)

  2. New Sound Signature Review this week. Long awaited? Yes. Good to be able to put a pin in some things you folks have asked about. (00:45:23)

  3. Whitetail deer hunting seasons all over the United States are kicking off – rifle seasons will happen very soon. Are you ready to hunt suppressed? Still holding out? If so, consider a silencer for next season. The PEW Science effort, with member support, has created an ecosystem in which your kit selection should be easier than ever. (00:47:59)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 133 - Resilient Suppressors RS9, Predator Project, and FLOW556K, Mini2 Flash (05-OCT-2022)

Episode 133 - Resilient Suppressors RS9, Predator Project, and FLOW556K, Mini2 Flash (05-OCT-2022)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Review 6.90 and 6.91 – the Resilient Suppressors RS9 on the HK SP5 and SP5K-PDW 9mm submachineguns. A performance surprise, for most! (00:06:36)

  2. PEW Science Predator Project Update #3 – merging thermal with night vision on your helmet? Chinese bridges? What in tarnation?! I’m gonna have me some fun… (00:55:47)

  3. Flash testing? Not yet. Flash research? Why not? Some fun internal PEW Science research shared on social media. HUXWRX FLOW 556k and Surefire SOCOM762-MIN2 at night! As the effort evolves, we are reminded of all the wonderful community, industry, and member support. Thank you for making all this happen. (01:15:59)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

Magpul: Use code PSTEN to receive $10 off your order of $100 or more at Magpul

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Episode 132 - Listener Questions and More Data (28-SEP-2022)

Episode 132 - Listener Questions and More Data (28-SEP-2022)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Listener Questions – they’re back! Let’s see how far we get in the group from the 4th solicitation. (00:07:11)

  2. New Sound Signature Reviews this week. Multiple reviews; an important dataset. A novel discovery. (01:14:13)

  3. We are in the tail-end of 2022 and the effort is strong. PEW Science members have stuck with it, and your support has fueled incredible research. As more host weapons are added to the Standard, applicability of the data will continue to grow. Thank you for making this a reality. (01:20:18)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

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Episode 131 - Diligent Defense Enticer Series with 300BLK, Thermal, and Night Vision (21-SEP-2022)

Episode 131 - Diligent Defense Enticer Series with 300BLK, Thermal, and Night Vision (21-SEP-2022)

Today’s Topics:

  1. Sound Signature Reviews 6.88 and 6.89 – the Diligent Defense Enticer Series. The Enticer L-Ti and Enticer S-Ti with subsonic 300 BLK. Technical Discussion. (00:04:47)

  2. The PEW Science Predator Project Update #2 – thermal, night vision, both… all on your face? Possible. Practical? Can be. Limitations? Oh, you bet. (00:39:15)

  3. Many kind words from many industry parties, and encouraging feedback from PEW Science members – it makes the effort worth it. Shout out to a couple new corporate members – Metasuppressors, No Respawn Tactical, and QD Specialties. Your support is appreciated. (01:02:07)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

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Episode 130 - More Testing, and Helmet-Mounted Thermal to become the Predator (14-SEP-2022)

Episode 130 - More Testing, and Helmet-Mounted Thermal to become the Predator (14-SEP-2022)

Today’s Topics:

  1. The Predator Project – LARPing as an alien from another world, here to hunt with technology eclipsing that of the inhabitants of Earth. Far-fetched? Surprisingly not. Night vision, thermal, and you. (00:09:08)

  2. New Sound Signature Review this week? Why not two? Let’s go back and hit some stuff that needs characterizing. (00:50:59)

  3. Just finished a wonderful field-testing program – really great data, and some really fantastic research progression for our PEW Science R&D clients. The end results? Better products, for you. Thank you for your support! (00:54:24)

Sponsored by - High End Armament Technology!

Ammo from True Shot: Click Here! (use code pewscience for $20 off the A-Zone program)

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